Speed 5 knots
LCT 596 LCT 592
LCT 597 LCT 593
LCT 531 LCT 594
LCT 510 LCT 595
LCT(A) 2488 LCT(A) 2310
LCT(A) 2282 LCT(A) 2402
LCT(A) 2301 LCT(A) 2454
LCT(A) 2309 LCT(A) 2478
LCG 7 a LCG 5 a
LCG 893 a LCG 6 a
LCT(R) 439 b LCT(R) 368 b
LCT(R) 448 b LCT(R) 425 b
LCT(R) 481 b LCF 18 c
LCF 27 c LCF 22 c
LCF 31 c
LCT(4) 646 d
LCT (4) 801 d LCT (4) 1050 d
LCT (4) 836 d LCT (4) 837 d
LCT (4) 691 d LCT(4) 512 d
LCT (4) 797 d
LCC 60 LCC 70
a. each LCG towing a LCPL smoker as assigned.It was released
in transport area to assigned ships. LCG proceeded to 5000 yards
and fired at pre assigned targets.
b. each LCT(R) towing a LCPL smoker as assigned which was
released in transport area. LCT (R)'s proceeded toward the beach
and maintained a distance of approximately 2700 yards astern
leading LCT(A) and fire over the LCT's at H- 16 minutes.
c. LCF's were to cover and protect boat lanes and beaches.
each LCF towing a LCPL as assigned
d. Each LCT (4) towing a LCM (3) assigned to breach
obstacles on the beach.Each LCM contained a engineer demolition
unit composed of an officer and 25 men. The LCM's were reloaded
with two tons of explosives prior to their departure.