H. E. "Bud" Farmer - 1312 Cheshire Drive Nashville, TN 37207-1508
(615) - 865-0579
April 19-21, 2001
Photos and News
News from the reunion in Omaha
I told my Dad that come hell or high water I was going to the reunion
with him in Omaha. Little did I know that Amtrak would put us through
hell and we would have to take a bus over the high water. But we made
it to Omaha only 8 hours late.
I had the pleasure of meeting Bill McGee the author of The Amphibians
are coming. He told me he has received more orders for the first volume from
our group, then any other amphibious veterans group. I guess that just
goes to show you that very little has been written about the LCTs and
this group is hungry for all the information they can find. Bill says
volume 2, The Solomons Campaigns 1942-1943 should be available some
time in July. When its released I'll post it on the web site.
Honors go out to Marty Kuzmkowski from Murrysville Pa who served on
LCTs 62, 65, 67 flotilla five in the south pacific. He is the only member of
the group who has been at all 18 reunions. He goes by the letters PPK
for the Poor Polish Kid.
In other business at the reunion, the amount of information the editor
of our hard copy Newsletter, Ron Swanson is receiving, the decision
was made to expand it to 18 pages 3 times a year. However the cost will
increase from 5$ a year to 10$, still very good deal for the work Ron
puts into it. Please support this effort.
To contribute to the newsletter contact Ron Swanson
7512 15th St. Lane N.
Oakdale, MN 55128-6010
To order your copy of the newsletter contact
H.E. "Bud" Farmer
1312 Cheshire Drive
Nashville, TN 37207-1508
Also we decided in Omaha that all the newsletters will archived on
our web site in their entirety one year after their published. So if you if you just start receiving them now you will be able to review all the back issues on our web site.
Ron also wants to take all the information he's collecting for the
newsletter and from the web site over the next couple of years and publish a book on LCTs. The best way to support this effort is to contribute what ever information you have. Most of the information we have on the web site has come from the men who served on the LCTs.
At the banquet in Omaha the vote for next years reunion was almost
unanimous for New Orleans. I talked to Bud Farmer last week and he said that it might not be held until June next year. When I get the details for next years reunion from Bud they will be posted to the web site.
http://ww2lct.org/reunion/Your Webmaster
Richard Fox
© 2000 LCT Flotillas of World War II ETO PTO